Exuding Luxury With Focused Care

Recuperate, relax, and heal after surgery in the comfort of our care.

Book Consultation Appointment Today!

Why Cynosure Care?

You did it!!!! After months or years of researching and planning, your surgery date is finally here. But is does not end at this point.  Cynosure Care is the next step in ensuring your results reach its optimal potential.  We provide post operative care tailored specifically to you in the environment that feels like a luxurious vacation with pain management, massage therapy, and wound care.  Your job is to heal, we handle the rest!!


Choose your services

Cynosure Care Services

Cynosure Care Packages

Transportation is included in all packages to ensure a safe, stress-free, and discrete experience. Our post-operative services, which are provided by a board-certified registered nurse, ensure that appropriate treatments are provided during recovery. Contact us for assistance in coordinating your services.


All clients will receive assistance from our staff with location setup, medication reconciliation, transportation, and other services.


The goal of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage therapy is to decrease pain and assist the body in removing post-surgery extra fluid through skin manipulation. This add-on healing technique shortens recovery time by decreasing swelling. minimize scar formation and improve immune function.
Don't hesitate to contact us.
What we do

General Query / FAQ's

What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage, also known as manual lymph drainage, was created by Emil and Estrid Vodder.  It was designed to treat lymphedema, which is swelling caused by accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space (tissue space) through rhythmic precise hand movements

The Benefits

How to schedule a consultation appointment?